What to expect at Kids Rock
Kids Rock is offered during the 10:30 AM service only. At the 10:30 AM service, we offer a Family Worship Time. After check-in, your child will accompany you to the auditorium for the worship music, offering, and a brief introduction of the topic that Sunday. Afterward the kids will be dismissed and accompanied by their group leaders for activities that will include follow-up questions, videos, crafts, or other materials that will help them relate to the subject matter in a fun environment .
Your first stop when you arrive is the first-time check in area, which is located in the Kids Rock hallway. Our greeters at the door will be happy to point the way! We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your kid’s code in the lower corner of the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after the service.
Does My Child have to attend Kids Rock Group?
No – your child is welcome to remain with you in the auditorium, however, we feel your child will get the most out of their experience by accompanying the other kids for our age-related inter-active format.
Disclaimer: Just as we communicate with your children on a level they can understand, we communicate to adults on their level. While your child is welcome to stay with you after the Family Worship time, please be aware that the topics and style of communication may not always be appropriate for your child.

After you check-in your child they will accompany you to the auditorium for Family Worship Time which includes worship music, offering, and a brief introduction of the topic that Sunday.
Afterward, the children will be dismissed and accompanied by their group leaders for activities that will include follow-up questions, videos, crafts, or other materials that will help them relate to the subject matter in a fun environment.

After the service, parents will pick up their children in the following rooms
Ages 0-5 Jump Start Room
Grades K-5 Jam Zone Room