New group:
Seek | Serve | Share
This group is open to kids, teens and adults that would like to take an active role in serving our community in various ways. Our goal is to have at least 1 service project a month that you can participate in. Currently, the following service projects are planned: clean up the river off of route 9 near Bloomery Distillery, collect clothing and supplies for the Shenandoah Women’s Shelter, provide our time to help Jefferson County Ministries serve food to the homeless during the holiday season.
This group will be ongoing. You can participate as you are able. We feel strongly that our church should be a part of the community and be involved with some of the services that are already providing help to our area.
The idea behind “Seek | Serve | Share” is that as a church we seek out areas in our community where the church could help, serve those areas with a Christ-like heart and share the love of Jesus through our actions.
God has also made aware to us that we are missing a central group that could collect school supplies, canned goods and any others items that may be needed for families in need at our church and the community. This group will be a great way to fill this hole and allow people who can’t serve on Sunday’s to get plugged in.
For more information, call Jenny Childs at 304-728-4932 or email
New group: Parent’s Support Group
Could you use some support in parenting? Questions about school, kids, IEPs, sleep, eating, or maintaining your sanity? You are not alone! Come join other parents to discuss whatever issues you are dealing with.
We’ll meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm starting on November 11 at Angie Weaver’s Home (237 Lord Fairfax St.; Charles Town). Child care available for $5.00.
For more information, call Jenny Childs at 304-728-4932 or email