Happy with ‘Merica?

If not, you must join the brave.  In Romans 13:7 God instructs us

to “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”    

 God tells us this immediately after telling us to submit to all authorities because authority itself has been established by God.  It takes being brave and bold in faith to do this in spite of how we feel.  I would be the first to say that there is much about America that is grieving me, however, I’ve lived long enough to see respect and honor become a rare occurrence.   I believe that that is the single biggest reason for the state of things today. 

 I would love to see America become great again, but I do not believe our hope is in our political system.  I believe it is in restoring respect and honor.  Parents, teachers, first-responders, and especially our police officers and service men and women and, yes, even our politicians are owed respect and honor, not for who they are as individuals, but for the position God has allowed them to hold.  Oh, and by the way, this would include church leaders and staff. 

 God always asks us to step out in faith doing what He has instructed first and then He promises to make sure we are provided for.  He tells to do this without griping and complaining.  In fact, we should do this out of respect for God.  We often focus on the respect God is due but this Sunday, I want to look at the question:  “Does God respect and honor you?” 

 Following Jesus takes bravery and boldness.  Are you brave enough to be due honor and respect from your heavenly father? 

 Join us this Sunday as we take time to honor those who so bravely serve us and discover God’s desire to stand up for you. 
