Do you like helping people move forward to a better life? I absolutely love it when I can be a part of somebody improving their quality of living. Now allow me to rant for a moment. There is little that bugs me more than wasting my time attempting to help make a difference for someone who isn’t willing to change how they approach things. The definition of stupidity is to continue the same approach yet expect difference results. Read more…
Jun '20

The Ship Has Sailed
Jun '20

In Matthew 14:22 it says that Jesus insisted that the disciples get into the boat in order to cross the lake. Verse 25 tells us that as they were crossing at three in the morning, Jesus came to them walking on the water. While this story has many spiritual lessons, I’d like to point out the obvious. Unless you can walk on water, don’t miss the boat.
When it comes to knowing God’s will, it’s easy to miss the boat and the disciples would have, if they had not listened.
James 1:22 (NLT) – But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.
Don’t be fooled – Listening means so much more than hearing God’s Word. It’s doing it too. I’ll be sharing God’s will for all of us this Sunday and asking you to get in the boat. The rest will be up to you. Catch the boat or walk on water – the choice is yours.
Pastor Mike
When it comes to knowing God’s will, it’s easy to miss the boat and the disciples would have, if they had not listened.
James 1:22 (NLT) – But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.
Don’t be fooled – Listening means so much more than hearing God’s Word. It’s doing it too. I’ll be sharing God’s will for all of us this Sunday and asking you to get in the boat. The rest will be up to you. Catch the boat or walk on water – the choice is yours.
Pastor Mike
Feeling Good
What do you do in order to feel good – and is it working as well as it could? John, chapter 4, is a story about Jesus who is engaged in a conversation with someone I refer to as the “shady lady of Sychar”. What is interesting is that this story is really about two people who want to feel good. Jesus is wearied and hungry from the long journey so He sends the disciples for a take-out order of food. Read more…