Be Wise

It’s almost Christmas! The turkeys are gone and it’s actually appropriate for Christmas music and decorations in the stores. It’s time to be thinking and planning your Christmas activities.

Join with us as we begin our #givehope focus the next few weeks. We’ve already adopted families in order to provide joy for families who would otherwise not be able to enjoy the birthday of Jesus. Saturday we will be handing out free hot chocolate at the Charles Town parade and meeting folks from our community on Saturday, December 12, as we distribute door hangers in our local communities inviting them to our Christmas Eve services and for our guests to receive a special Christmas gift when they come.

This Christmas, please be wise. I love the saying: “Wise men still seek Him” – and it’s true. But the wise men were wise not only because they looked for Jesus but because they brought Him a gift. They didn’t wait until they needed something to show appreciation for Him.

This Christmas, will you partner with the wise men of old, myself, and others as we intentionally and purposefully make Christ our first priority by sharing the hope only found in Him with our community.

I love our Church – see you Sunday,

Pastor Mike
